One element that makes a camping trip absolutely perfect is the old fashioned campfire!
There is nothing better after a day of exploring than sitting around the fire with family or friends, with a cold beer, a cup of tea, a glass of wine, toasting marshmallows and having a yarn or just sitting quietly, enjoying the tranquillity of nature, staring at the flames and reflecting on the day.
Unfortunately, many parks do not allow fires or they are restricted to certain times of the year. Here at Halls Gap Lakeside Tourist Park we DO allow campfires all year round. Of course, we cannot allow them on days of total fire ban. For a small fee, we can deliver a fire drum and bag of firewood to your site or cabin.
We do not want to stop you enjoying this integral part of camping but as we are based in a national park surrounded by bush we ask everybody to be sensible around the fire.
Our key rule is respect, but we also detail our campfire terms and conditions below.
- Drums can be hired for $10 for the period of your stay and we will deliver it to your site or cabin. When it is time to depart, you simply leave your drum and we collect and dispose of the ashes.
- Campfires are allowed all year round, except on total fire ban days declared by the CFA. We will notify our guests when total fire ban has been declared. At management's discretion, some days will be declared as a “no campfire day” due to severe weather warnings.
- Firewood must be contained within the fire drum. No long/large wood to be hanging out of the drum. Flames must be no more than 50cm above the height of the drum.
- Fires cannot be left unattended at any time and fires are to be extinguished before going to bed. Last logs on at 10pm and ALL fires must be out by 11pm. A bucket will be provided and has to be filled with water and placed within 1 metre of the fire drum.
- Wood is available for delivery to your site at $20 per bag for around 20kg. If you wish to bring your own wood, please make sure it is dry. We strongly discourage firewood collection. The Forests Act 1958 and the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 (for Shepparton Regional Park) and associated regulations establish the rules and outline penalties for domestic firewood collection, including fines up to $7380, up to 1-year imprisonment or both. - See more at:
- Children must be supervised by a responsible adult at all times.
- No chainsaws, splitters, tomahawks or any other axes are to be used in the park.
- Fire drums and wood are to be ordered before 5.00 pm.
- Management reserves the right to collect your fire drum at any time without prior warning if you do not oblige by these rules. No refunds will be given.
- We do not allow the use of home brought pits
For safety and site tidiness, we have added some additional rules about storing wood on the sites and the use of our fire drums.
- We don't allow the storing or unloading of more than 50 kg of wood on your site. Bringing more than 50 kg of wood is allowed, but please leave it stored in your car/ute/trailer.
- Don't bring or burn treated wood or wood containing nails, as we don't want you to poison yourself or your neighbours.
- Your fire drum is NOT a bin! Please throw your rubbish in the bin and not in the fire drums.
- There is no splitting or chopping of wood in the park. If you bring your own wood, make sure it's cut and ready to be used. We don't allow axes, wood splitters, saws or tomahawks in the park.
Using your ozpig
or any other solid fuel cooking appliance
We do not allow the use of solid fuel cooking appliances in the park due to safety concerns about the use of such devices like, charcoal bbqs, ozpigs and smokers. These devices have a higher likelihood to cause harm to (other) guests and the park and other guests' property when used unsafely because of the solid fuel types they use.
Similar to one of the reasons why we do not allow the bringing of your own firepit to the park there is the issue of safe disposal of ashes that comes with the use of these appliances.
Gas operated bbq's are allowed